21 Jun 2016
Could the new DTAA with India translate into a bigger opportunity?

The financial sector (most of the players at least) has, up to now, focused its energy on structuring equity investments into India using Mauritius as an investment platform. We have tried to diversify into other markets, mainly into Africa, given our proximity.
Click here to read the full article from Senior Executive - Treasury & Markets, Parikshat Tulsidas, that appeared in L'express.
Rates & Fees
- Tariff Guide - Non Resident
- Tariff Guide - Resident
- Bank of Mauritius Template on Fees, Charges and Commissions
Application Forms
- Mauritius exits EU list of High-risk third countries on 13 March 2022
- MBA Communique - Mauritius exits UK High-Risk Third Countries list
- MBA Code of Ethics and of Banking Practice
- MBA Communiqué - FATCA
- MBA - KYC Policy Booklet